Studying University in America

University education in the USA is classified as State Universities, Colleges and private universities. The duration of education is divided into 2, 3 and 4 years. The study periods consist of two semesters, starting in August and ending in June. Students who want to study in America must take various courses and take exams. With the expert staff of Veritas, we prepare our students for this process in the best way possible.

The ACE (Application & College Essay)

Workshop is a four-day, intensive workshop (totaling 24 hours) designed to teach students seeking to attend U.S. universities how to write effective and compelling personal statements and how to put their best foot forward on the college application.

Experienced essay specialists will meet individually with students to help them with the essay writing and editing process.

Enrollment will be limited to a 3:1 student-toteacher ratio. Students will finish the week with the Common Application completed and solid drafts of at least 3 essays. They will gain a valuable jump start on the process and be prepared for the U.S. college application process during the fall.

The ACE Workshop (Application & College Essay)

As students entering 12th grade look forward to their last year of high school, many of them do not realize that college application season is right around the corner.

With essays to write, deadlines to meet, and schools to choose, the process can easily become overwhelming.